We are here for the long term and we act congruently with that philosophy. We strive to build long lasting relationships with our clients and likewise we encourage our people to think of BMA as a place where they can find an enjoyable, challenging and encouraging environment to grow and develop their professional goals and skills and to consider working with us a “healthy” and rewarding part of their lives. To that end, we cultivate a culture of transparency, flexibility, inclusion innovation and diversity. We pride ourselves on being a place of open doors, where leadership listens, engages and sets clear objectives and goals for the short, medium and long term.

Our Code of Ethics is known to ALL and we continuously revise the same to improve and adopt the best possible managing practices, while maintaining our core values and traditions. A healthy mix of people who have been with the company for decades and new blood,  fosters a sense of being a part of a solid organization that at the same time is constantly innovating and challenging itself to continue being a leader in providing top quality legal services in the areas of Intellectual Property, Advertising and Competition Law, Regulatory and Tax Law.

See how BMA fits your professional and personal goals and send your resume to / all applications will be examined and responded to.

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