Tax Deparment

Within the framework of efficient corporate planning, having a comprehensive tax advisory service becomes increasingly important, which is why at BMA we have opened the Tax Law Department to our clients with which we seek to provide our clients with the appropriate support. from its registration to the Honduran tax system.

We seek that, through a continuous service of technical and legal support, our clients maximize their profitability through the correct declaration of their taxes, supporting them in the correct fulfillment of their formal and material obligations before the Honduran treasury.

Likewise, we provide the service of legal support in tax audit processes and determination of taxes, representing our clients in administrative and judicial stages before the Tax Administration.

BMA / BUFETE Mejía & Asociados represents a wide range of companies – individual companies, associations, micro, small and medium-sized companies, foreign companies and “multinational” corporations, and some of the services we offer in this matter include:

  • Tax consulting service on the application of tax regulations.
  • Representation and legal advice in administrative and judicial processes before the Tax Administration.
  • Technical defense in tax audit processes, determination of taxes and fines.
  • Legal defense in judicial and extrajudicial processes before the Tax Administration.
  • Advice and representation for requests for tax benefits.
  • Other services related to the daily tax operations of taxpayers.

For more information, please contact Abog. Héctor A. Fernández Lozano at

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